DETOX your diet, and create a CLEAN BEAUTY routine!
by Renata Esteves | Health Coach & Clean Beauty Expert
Banana Chocolate Nice Cream
Today is National Ice Cream Day, and you know me, of course, I have a healthy alternative for you! This recipe will blow your mind, because it just doesn't get simpler than that: Banana "Nice Cream". The reason it's called "nice cream" is that it's a vegan alternative, and better for you. But I promise, it's just as delicious as any conventional ice cream, you will still love it even if have no intention of becoming vegan.
Recipe: Spaguetti Squash with Vegan Alfredo Sauce
With the season changing, it's great to start eating seasonal foods like squashes and pumpkins, to help transition the body into the new energy of Fall. Spaghetti Squash is one of my all-time favorites super fast and easy meals.
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